Headquarter Guatemala

Guatemala 4641, Palermo, Bs. As., Argentina  (See on the map)

Phone Number: (+54 011) 4831-4164

Email: info@alwaysgym.com.ar


· Monday to Friday 7am to 11pm.

· Saturday 9am to 9pm.

· Holidays 10am to 1pm and 6pm to 9pm

Headquarter Belgrano

Soldado de la Independencia 1389, Belgrano, Bs. As., Argentina (See on the map)

Phone Number: (+54 011) 4775 – 3222

Email: infobelgrano@alwaysgym.com.ar


· Monday to Friday 7am to 11pm.

· Saturday 9am to 1pm.

· Holidays 10am to 1pm and 6pm to 9pm

Headquarter Costa Rica

Costa Rica 4863, Palermo, Bs. As., Argentina (See on the map)

Phone Number: (+54 011) 4832 – 3737

Email: info2@alwaysgym.com.ar


· Monday to Friday 7am to 11pm.

· Saturday 9am to 9pm.

· Holidays 10am to 1pm and 6pm to 9pm

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